July 23rd, 2016 – THE GAME CHANGER Grudge Race – Gates open 2pm

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Saturday July 23rd Alleycat Racing and Second II None presents Bagger Warz/Race Warz!! Truck Shootout!! Index racing!! Grudge Racing!! Harley Racing!! This new style of racing Baggers has blown up on the East and West Coasts and now they want to meet in the middle….Texas!
Gates open at 2pm.
We will begin the day with motorcycle racing and then on to the car and truck racing around 6pm. $20 adult admission, discount viagra kids 12 and under are free!!
Truck Shootout
$100 entry $500 on top
4.90 Index
$100 entry $500 on top
5.80 Index
$100 entry $1000 on top
7.0 Index
$100 entry $500 on top
Guaranteed Payouts!
Stay Tuned for more upcoming info or check us out on Facebook